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H2O Care Explains The Basics To Keep You Safe

Kathleen Goneau
Jul 27 4 minutes read

Lead in water can be removed from water through reverse osmosis, distillation, and activated carbon filtration when configured for lead reduction. Lead can also be removed by identifying and replacing all the pipes and plumbing fixtures in your home that contain lead. However, since water may travel through lead pipes before it makes its way to your home plumbing system, one of the above filtration systems can provide a defense against lead and can give you peace of mind.

Filtration systems can be installed as either point of use (POU) filters or point of entry (POE) whole house systems. For lead reduction, it may make more sense to have a point of use drinking water system as ingestion is the main concern. Lead in water cannot penetrate your skin. A whole house filter would only protect you from lead in the municipal water supply and not any lead that may be in your home’s plumbing distribution system. Installing a point of use filter on each faucet in your home could provide protection if lead is coming from municipal water or if lead is coming from your home’s plumbing.

If you are able to restrict your drinking to a specific faucet, then a Reverse osmosis system or carbon filter designed for lead removal can all be installed. A benefit from the reverse osmosis system is that it removes a whole host of other potential contaminants as well as lead. This technology is what is used in the production of Aquafina, Dasani and other bottled waters on the market, where the starting point is a municipal water supply. It’s a very effective membrane technology and can fit under a kitchen sink or be installed in the basement with a line running up to a dedicated faucet at the kitchen sink.

A Reverse Osmosis system works by forcing water against a synthetic membrane filled with microscopic holes through which only purified water can pass. The pore sizes are actually smaller than a bacteria or even a virus (see diagram at right). Impurities are trapped on one side of the membrane and are diverted away to drain, while the purified water moves through it and into a pressurized storage tank. The storage tank and purification system can be installed either under the kitchen sink or in the basement with a line feeding the purified water up to a separately installed faucet. The setup is easy and you don’t have to worry about rebuilding or permanently moving cabinets to accommodate the system. It’s like having your own mini bottled water factory, without the bottles.

If you are able to restrict your drinking to a specific faucet, then a Reverse osmosis system or carbon filter designed for lead removal can all be installed. A benefit from the reverse osmosis system is that it removes a whole host of other potential contaminants as well as lead. This technology is what is used in the production of Aquafina, Dasani and other bottled waters on the market, where the starting point is a municipal water supply. It’s a very effective membrane technology and can fit under a kitchen sink or be installed in the basement with a line running up to a dedicated faucet at the kitchen sink.

Distillation is another way to remove lead that mimics how water is purified in nature: through evaporation in the atmosphere. Water distillers convert water into steam, eliminating lead and other contaminants because they cannot turn into steam as water can. Once the water returns to its liquid form, it is contaminant free. This process is energy intensive and many people complain about the “flat taste” of the water.

For more information on which approach makes the most sense for you, speak with a water treatment professional.

H2O Care is an established, full service water filtration and testing organization originally formed in 1989 with offices in Middleton, Stow & Lakeville, MA and a service depot in Plymouth. The company is very experienced in PFAS removal as well as many other regional contaminants. 

Contact us at [email protected] or 800-539-1100.